Wonderful and Terrible Things

Someone told me that Life can bring a wonderful thing…

And someone else told me that Life can bring a terrible thing…

I believe that is true, Life give us such many things,

Even a wonderful thing which brings you smile and all the happiness,

Or a terrible thing which brings you all the sadness.


Life can bring a wonderful thing and also a terrible thing and either with love.

Love can make you feel the happiest moment but also the most terrible moment.

It depends on you; it depends to how you bring it…



Love is on its way.

And no one will know how they will find it,

Because sometimes it just comes suddenly and just like a fate, a destiny…



I just read a post.

Yea someone told me that….

‎’I love you’ means that I accept you for the person that you are, and that I do not wish to change you into someone else.
It means that I will love you and stand by you even through the worst of times.
It means loving you when you’re in bad mood or too tired to do things I want to do.
It means loving you when you’re down, not just when you’re fun to be with.
It means that I know your deepest secrets and do not judge you for them, asking in return only that you do not judge me for mine.
It means that I care enough to fight for what we have and that I love you enough not to let go.
It means thinking of you, dreaming of you, wanting and needing you constantly, hoping you feel the same way about me.


Love is how we care about someone,

Love is how we give without hoping we will get the same,

Love is the way to show this is the real me,

Love is the way to show this is me,

Love is the way to show ‘I am what I am and you are what you are. And I don’t want to change a thing’


Lizzy, 27/01/2012, 08.56 A.M

Broken Heart Is A Choice

One more thought about love.

What do you think about love? Can you define it? Oh, to make it simple, can you just describe it? Is it the best feeling or the worst feeling that you’ve ever had?

Well, for some people love can be the best thing that they’ve ever had. There’s no word can explain how beautiful it is. Love is just simple and wonderful, you can’t explain it but you can feel it. But this kind of opinion is totally wrong for some people. They think love is the worst thing in life, especially when they get the broken heart. They might think that love just bring hurt and sadness.

Back to our topic, love, or this case fall in love is a kind of destiny. It’s something that inevitable. It would never be a choice to fall for someone. Sometimes, we just suddenly fall for someone, we just can’t help our self falling in love with him/her. Don’t worry, it’s normal. Love is blind, but the weirdest thing is love can also find their own way. 😀

If love is something that’s inevitable, what about broken heart?

???????????????????????????????No one deserve to get hurt, it’s my opinion. Everybody needs to be happy, everybody should be happy. But how come someone become happy if they get broken heart? For some cases, broken heart can destroy someone’s life. People who gets broken heart might turn into despair, overwhelm with their desperation. It’s totally unhealthy to let them surrounded by the sadness. So we should help them, or if you feel the same (or still stuck with the broken heart-stuff), let’s make a move!

Broken heart is a choice. Why?

Because we could manage it into happiness. No doubt, broken heart gives us a terrible feeling, sadness, hurt. But we when can stop to think about those negative feeling, the positive feeling will come naturally. We might think that there’s no positive aspect of being broken, but actually there’s a lot of moral things that we could gain from it. It helps us to be stronger! If we really could face it and make a move, we’ve already given a proof than we’re not weak. We’re strong enough to continue our life.

Actually, we really can handle the sadness by stop focusing on what we’ve lost–our love. It might look hard to move on, or to not think about our precious moment with him/her but we shouldn’t focus in the past. It’s already happened and we couldn’t turn back the time just to feel those moments again. We will just waste our time if we keep thinking about our past moment. Those previous  moments or memories are something that should be learnt. So we may not make the same mistake in the future. We really should focus on our life at this moment, or on our future, not to our past.

Once again, for me broken heart is a choice. It’s kind of thing  that you can handle if you really want to handle it. Life is still beautiful without him/her. You still can breathe the oxygen, the sky is still blue and you still can feel the fresh air in the morning. Just stop being sad, wipe your tears, try to take a look of your face in the mirror and smile. You just look so adorable with your smile, not with your tears.

Last, everything is happened for a reason. If you get broken heart, he/she probably isn’t that good for you. You’ll get the better one, sooner or later. Believe me, even broken hearts may have their doubt. 🙂
