Stop saying “I wish”, Start Saying “I will”

Stop saying “I wish” and start saying “I will”

It’s so easy to say it or just write it down here but it’s very hard to start doing it. I know, most people rather to say “I wish” than to say “I will” whenever they should try something new or something that might seem impossible to do. They might think that it’s almost impossible to do it, so they just give up without even try it. And finally, they will look for an excuse and say, “I wish I could do that.”

It always happens around me. Sometimes, I also do it, finding an excuse to not doing something that might be so difficult to do. But the truth is, I just underestimate my own self by judging and not even having a try. I know, it’s unfair for myself, to suddenly just judge that I couldn’t do that just because it looks so difficult to do. But my mind keep worrying what people might say if I really can’t do it. Sometimes, I realize that my biggest fear is people’s judgement.

I think, most people will think the same. They might be afraid of what will people say about them. They are afraid of doing wrong and making mistakes. They just want to be right, but we as human can be wrong. It’s normal if we make some mistakes. Mistakes are proof that we are trying. Mistakes help us to realize about our fault and make sure that we will not do the same mistakes. Mistakes helps us to learn.

If you’re not agree with me. You should think about it; Do you ever count how many times you fall when you’re young before finally you can stand up and walk?

We fall a lots, but the differences is at that time, we try again and again. We never know the word “give up” , we just want to keep trying until we can stand and walk properly. It makes me sad whenever I think about it. It makes me feel that the “young me” is stronger that me today.

Making mistakes always more than just doing nothing, I keep repeating it on my head. And it does really work to make me believe that I could do it. It helps me become stronger and not afraid to try something. You should try it.

Last but not least, we should really pay more attention of our words that come from our mouth. Actually, if we keep saying “I will” it really helps us to increase our confident. It give us positive power to believe that we really can do it and we will do it. It’s totally different when we say “I wish” which just give us negative effect.

Saying “I wish” just make us keep in our daydreaming but saying “I will” will motivate us to make it really happened.