To Love And Back

I want to love and back, I guess not only me, everyone does. Even though love never guarantees a happy ending, people keep fall in the word love. They keep searching for the right man to fall in love with. They declare love in every perfect way to get their lover’s heart.
Love could give you the most joyful feeling, but you could get the opposite too, the worst sadness in the world. So here we go again, learning from everything. Exploring more to know yourself better. 

For you who ever get the experience of loving, being loved and losing someone, this short poetry will help you to explore more about the feeling, about the memories of you and him/her.
Enjoy 🙂

Wonderful and Terrible Things

Someone told me that Life can bring a wonderful thing…

And someone else told me that Life can bring a terrible thing…

I believe that is true, Life give us such many things,

Even a wonderful thing which brings you smile and all the happiness,

Or a terrible thing which brings you all the sadness.


Life can bring a wonderful thing and also a terrible thing and either with love.

Love can make you feel the happiest moment but also the most terrible moment.

It depends on you; it depends to how you bring it…


Love is on its way.

And no one will know how they will find it,

Because sometimes it just comes suddenly and just like a fate, a destiny…



I just read a post.

Yea someone told me that….

‎’I love you’ means that I accept you for the person that you are, and that I do not wish to change you into someone else.
It means that I will love you and stand by you even through the worst of times.
It means loving you when you’re in bad mood or too tired to do things I want to do.
It means loving you when you’re down, not just when you’re fun to be with.
It means that I know your deepest secrets and do not judge you for them, asking in return only that you do not judge me for mine.
It means that I care enough to fight for what we have and that I love you enough not to let go.
It means thinking of you, dreaming of you, wanting and needing you constantly, hoping you feel the same way about me.


Love is how we care about someone,

Love is how we give without hoping we will get the same,

Love is the way to show this is the real me,

Love is the way to show this is me,

Love is the way to show ‘I am what I am and you are what you are. And I don’t want to change a thing’


Lizzy, 27/01/2012, 08.56 A.M

Broken Heart Is A Choice

One more thought about love.

What do you think about love? Can you define it? Oh, to make it simple, can you just describe it? Is it the best feeling or the worst feeling that you’ve ever had?

Well, for some people love can be the best thing that they’ve ever had. There’s no word can explain how beautiful it is. Love is just simple and wonderful, you can’t explain it but you can feel it. But this kind of opinion is totally wrong for some people. They think love is the worst thing in life, especially when they get the broken heart. They might think that love just bring hurt and sadness.

Back to our topic, love, or this case fall in love is a kind of destiny. It’s something that inevitable. It would never be a choice to fall for someone. Sometimes, we just suddenly fall for someone, we just can’t help our self falling in love with him/her. Don’t worry, it’s normal. Love is blind, but the weirdest thing is love can also find their own way. 😀

If love is something that’s inevitable, what about broken heart?

???????????????????????????????No one deserve to get hurt, it’s my opinion. Everybody needs to be happy, everybody should be happy. But how come someone become happy if they get broken heart? For some cases, broken heart can destroy someone’s life. People who gets broken heart might turn into despair, overwhelm with their desperation. It’s totally unhealthy to let them surrounded by the sadness. So we should help them, or if you feel the same (or still stuck with the broken heart-stuff), let’s make a move!

Broken heart is a choice. Why?

Because we could manage it into happiness. No doubt, broken heart gives us a terrible feeling, sadness, hurt. But we when can stop to think about those negative feeling, the positive feeling will come naturally. We might think that there’s no positive aspect of being broken, but actually there’s a lot of moral things that we could gain from it. It helps us to be stronger! If we really could face it and make a move, we’ve already given a proof than we’re not weak. We’re strong enough to continue our life.

Actually, we really can handle the sadness by stop focusing on what we’ve lost–our love. It might look hard to move on, or to not think about our precious moment with him/her but we shouldn’t focus in the past. It’s already happened and we couldn’t turn back the time just to feel those moments again. We will just waste our time if we keep thinking about our past moment. Those previous  moments or memories are something that should be learnt. So we may not make the same mistake in the future. We really should focus on our life at this moment, or on our future, not to our past.

Once again, for me broken heart is a choice. It’s kind of thing  that you can handle if you really want to handle it. Life is still beautiful without him/her. You still can breathe the oxygen, the sky is still blue and you still can feel the fresh air in the morning. Just stop being sad, wipe your tears, try to take a look of your face in the mirror and smile. You just look so adorable with your smile, not with your tears.

Last, everything is happened for a reason. If you get broken heart, he/she probably isn’t that good for you. You’ll get the better one, sooner or later. Believe me, even broken hearts may have their doubt. 🙂


Realizing a good thing after they’ve lost it

Be with someone who knows exactly what they have when they’re with you. Not someone who realizes it after they’ve lost you.

It’s a common sense, when someone finally realizes that something or even someone is so special for them when they’ve already lost it. It always happens and we just understand how important it is after we’ve lost it.

Be with someone who knows exactly what they have when they’re with you.

I totally agree with that. We don’t need to be with someone who never notices or realizes how important we are. It’s sick, knowing that they just understand it after we leave them. Being treated as important thing is terrible and no one deserve to be treated like that…

You can fall in love but please never ever let your love conquer your heart, life and even your mind. 

Does Love Hurt?

I have two question.

This is for someone, somewhere in this world: Do you hurt the way that I do?

This is for my one and only God : Does love hurt? Does it just give us the bitter things?

I bet everyone ever feels it. Having a broken heart or being broken into thousand pieces. Feeling those bitterness of love after having such gorgeous moments. But why? In the end it always end this way. Getting hurt.

Dear God, I was think about the true love or even our soul mate. Does it really exist? 

I see thousand or probably million people get hurts just because of love. They lose everything. They are alive but deep inside I know they are already dying. Now I keep thinking about that word; Love.

Does it always bring us into despair? Does it always throw us away after make us fly through the joyful moments?

Dear God, I do make-believe that Love is the greatest thing in this world. Loving you as the only one; I am sure I never get hurt by loving you. Loving my families or my friends, it always gives us the happiness. So, how about loving someone as a partner?


I smile because finally I get the answer. Love doesn’t hurt anyone but Loving the WRONG person does.

So, if you are afraid of getting hurt from anyone. You’d better save your heart for the right one; someone who’s worthy enough to fighting for. Someone who lives you breathless.

Until you find that one, just save your heart. God will show us the way in the right time and obviously with the right one. 


The Bitterness of Love

Always about Love and the terrible things are the best. We can see that love bring and change everything. We know that love is one of the most powerful things beside the powerful of prayers- if you believe in God. There is a lot of people change just because of Love. They change their habit and attitude for the sake of love. Sometimes it brings us to be a better person but no offence it also can bring us into the worst despair.

I just see a man with the broken thing and pretty sure that is his heart. That entire he said just blaming himself of letting his lover go. He becomes such a useless person. All those sadness make him stay away from his community. He prefers to be alone by not letting anyone help him. I know he need time to heal his pain but sometimes it keep makes me wonder how long does it take to recover it?

I am a normal human and I ever feel it. Being broken into pieces after all those wonderful feeling is the worst and I know it. It takes ages to heal and to deal with it. It has been the hardest part to move on and to start everything new. That time I felt that I was the most unlucky girl in the world and kept thinking that I was the only one who is broken. Those feeling were so harmful. It took me into the laziest girl the world. All that I did just thinking about him who would never come back into my life. I kept remembering our first meeting and all those memories that happen between us. That was a big mistake, I mean by keep looking in the past. We can never go and start a new beginning if we still look in the past. I know, I am kind of people who keep the memories for all the time but sometimes that habit is not good for us. The only one good thing of remembering the past is just to helps us learn and make sure that we would never do the same mistake again.

I gain the moral thing from those experiences. Don’t fall in love there is just too much to lose. Yeah, that is true. If you are afraid of being broken you should better keep your heart. Save it. Don’t just give it to someone who is not worth for your life. Don’t ever give it to someone who never brings you to live. One right is much better than hundreds wrong. You don’t need to fall in love for thousand times just to feel the love. I ever read a quotation it said that a true love is fall in love thousand times but always with the same person. I smile when I read it and I agree with it. Believe me; if you already find the one you will probably love him for the rest of your life. If you don’t pretty sure you will just get all those pains that keep you broken.

“I was constructed for you and you were molded for me”

And tonight I know, I should write at least something for you. With all my heart and soul, I’ll just let my fingers dance all over the keyboard. Let them help me to tell you about this feeling. I know I should tell you ‘cos it’s going to explode.

“I was constructed for you and you were molded for me”

It begins with one word. Love.
It just turns out my mind, how we’ve started.
How we’ve made our love and how we’ve built our love story.
We both know that this feeling is real. No matter what others say.

We both know and we’ve learn from the last moment when the storm hit us.
When we really fell into pieces with no one to blame.
When we really say nothing at all though we have a lot of things in our mind.
That was the hardest part. So much pain. Total eclipse of the heart.

But there always a rainbow after the storm.
Then suddenly, the sun shines again. Little by little but for sure.
I don’t know about how we’ve started this way.
I don’t even think about the risk that we take.

We just got in it without thinking about anything.
We just can’t stop this heart from beating.
We just can’t handle this feeling.
And I just know I can’t help falling in love with you.

The love that we share means everything to me.
I love the way it flow. Feels like the air blew my hair.
I love you all the way without comparing you with another perfect boy.
I just know that I love this guy –you , no matter how bad he is.
I just know that I need to be with him.
Not just because I need him but it’s much because I finally know that he needs me as well.

I would never regret anything.
Sure I am because you bring me so much memory that I can’t even count it.
You bring me to smile. You bring me to laugh all the way.

You, my love…
I wish I could say straight to you that I love you.
I wish I could hold you and sing you a lullaby, your favorite lullaby till you fall asleep.
And I wish I could kiss you and make you feel all the things that I never said.

I love this part,
“I was constructed for you and you were molded for me”
How do you think about it?
I just hope you feel it all the way like I do.


 Lizzy, 30th June 2012, 10.16 P.M

It kills me to admit it

I don’t know how to say this.
I don’t know even where to begin…

I’m just not good for you.
I can’t be there for you.
I’m not real for you.
And often times this separation kills me in pieces.

Today was one of those days where everything I did reminded me of you,
and every song I heard somehow always related to you.
I hate this day like today because they remind me one thing I can’t have,
and why it is that I can’t get over you.

Hey babe, do you want to know what my problem is?
I will tell you what my problem is,

To care means more than just to love.
To care means I just want to make sure that you are alright and fine.
To care means I love you with all my heart no matter who’s your partner right now.
To care means more than just a selfish thing to have you.
To care means I’ll smile when seeing your smile and I’ll be the first to wipe your tears.
To care means to give, no matter what it takes.

That’s what it is.
That is my problem…

And today I just realize that I can’t get over you off of my mind.
I keep making myself busy by learning, reading and doing so many activities but it doesn’t really work. Because whenever I stop doing it, I’ll be just thinking of you.
And when I think of you, some questions come in to my mind.
“Are you okay? Are you feeling better? or what are you doing right now?”
Then I just keep silent because I have nothing to answer those questions.
It hurts and it kills me inside.

You know,
Sometimes when I miss you, I love to write some poems or such things.
Sometimes when I miss you, I love to edit some pictures and share it to you.
Or sometimes when I miss you, I love to see your page and that’s all I can do.

Tonight, I do the same.
I was viewing your page, then my mouse just scroll up into your blog.
And my eyes read it; even I have read it all.
Yeah it’s your blog.

I read it once again though I know it’ll bring back so many memories.
And what do I get at the end?
I’m sorry but I cry.
I know you would never let me to cry but so sorry, I just can’t handle it.
It just suddenly falls down to my cheek without asking for the permission…

I’m sorry…
I know I shouldn’t be like this.
I know I should be positive as I can be.
But is it wrong if I do worry of you?
Or is it wrong if I do care of you?

Maybe I’m just going too far.
Maybe I’m just being too melancholies today,
Or maybe I’m just having a bad day.
Well… just maybe.

Lizzy, 17th July 2012, 11.59 P.M

For Everything that I never meant to be…

To night, I have realized one thing.

I’m okay. After all this time I’m okay. You know, I smile whenever I heard about Mayday Parade’s song, If you can’t live without me, why aren’t you dead yet.

Yea, I kinda agree with it. If you can’t live without me, why aren’t you dead yet. You know, all those memories always remind me about our moments. When we were together, when we were saying all those beautiful thing just make a smile in others face. I know we’ve got all those great moment which like a glimpse of heaven.

I smile, remembering I ever told you that I can’t live without you. I know I just said it, without even think that it’s irrational. Yeah, now I’m smiling. I smile because without you, I’m still breathing. I smile because I’m okay without you. I smile because I know, everything is right even though you’re not here with me. I smile because I can do anything good without you by my side.

I know, I ever hang up on you. I know, I ever need you more than I could imagine. But now, I realize I just got wrong.

Babe, I never meant to say I hate you. I ever try to hate you but I know, I can’t and I don’t wanna be a hater.

I just want to show you. I’m okay right now. I’m stronger right now.

Babe, I never meant to tell you that I’m so weak when you’re by my side. No, I never but I just want to show you I already make up my mind. And now I’m ready to move on.

Babe, I never try to say that I’m happy without you. But I just want to enjoy my life with or without you.
And the last,

You were right when you said that We don’t need to regret anything. Maybe I didn’t agree before but now, I’m totally agree with you. We don’t need to regret anything. Everything happens for a reason. And now I find there’re many reasons why we got that memories.

For everything that we’re meant to be. I know you’re right there as I’m okay this way.

Lizzy, 1/5/2012/ posted 10/6/2012/ 12.20 PM

When I’m in Love with You…

When I’m in Love with you

As long as the moment we have spent together,
As much as we miss each other,
As hard as the distance makes us apart,
And as awesome as your word comes out from your perfect mouth,

I would never think that you will be a part of my life,
‘Coz you just come in without a single word,
‘Coz at the first time, I just try to be nice as a normal person it the world.
But, suddenly we know that there’s something different with our feeling,
It’s like we start missing each other when we didn’t meet,
It’s like we start to keep waiting until we have time together.

Maybe I’m not as good as you in words,
Maybe I’m not as romantic as you do to me,
Maybe I’m not as mature as you are to be,
And I know, I’m just a little innocent girl,
I’m just a girl that finally knows that I feel something different with you.

You know,
You already be someone special in my heart,
You already be the one who can make this heart beating that much,
You already be the only who can make me blush all the time,
You already be someone important and I’m sure you can feel it…

No matter how long we will be together,
No matter where you are and where you come from,
No matter what you look like,
The matter is I just want to be with you,
‘Coz finally, I realize just you who can complete me,
And all that I know, I just need you to be with me…

~ Lizzy, 11/14/2011: 10.33 A.M

I was reading my note when I found this short poem. I realize that I have been in love with you since the very first time. I know it’s really happen to me and I know that’s the fact.

But here I am.

Now I’m all alone without you by my side. I’m trying my best and try to learn everything to make me stronger. I ever think what will I do if I lost you? Or What will I do if I really let you go?

Now I kinda find the answer. I’m trying to survive and trying the hardest part to letting you go. Even I’m not that stronger to hold my tears, even I’m not that stronger to hide my sadness.

But here I am.

Standing all alone and face the world. I still breathing and nothing can’t stop this heart from beating. I’m alive… I still alive.

I smile with a side of sadness,

I ever said that I can’t life without you. But now I know, it’s totally wrong.  I’m fine without you. I can live without you…


Now I’m falling into memories of you, And all the things that I used to do…