Most Parents ‘Lie to Children’

Do you think that parent can lie to their children?

I was thinking about this statement when I read an article that most parents ‘lie to children’. At the first time, I’m totally disagree that parents can do that to their children. But then, I realize that it’s really happened.

I bet you are familiar with these common sentences.

“I’ll buy it next time”

That’s the most commonly used lie. Parents usually use this lie to make their children stop asking for toys or foods that they want. Sometimes parents also use “I forget to bring my wallet. We’ll buy it later.” 

They use it to make an excuse to not buying the toys that their children want. Actually I disagree with this habits. If most parents keep doing this ‘lie’ to their children. Don’t you think that it will affect their behavior?

I’d rather to say the truth than giving such this lie to a children. Is it impossible to say directly that we can’t buy the toy with an honest reason? I was thinking that I’d rather say, “We can’t buy this toy because you’ve already had the similar one in your house.”

Another untrue statements is related to misbehavior , which included: ”If you don’t behave, I will call the police,” and: “If you don’t quiet down, the man over there will be angry with you.”

There are more examples of these untrue statements that parents usually use to their children. But this time, I don’t want to explore it more. I just want you to think about where the important moral things will go if parents keep doing this lie.