Realizing a good thing after they’ve lost it

Be with someone who knows exactly what they have when they’re with you. Not someone who realizes it after they’ve lost you.

It’s a common sense, when someone finally realizes that something or even someone is so special for them when they’ve already lost it. It always happens and we just understand how important it is after we’ve lost it.

Be with someone who knows exactly what they have when they’re with you.

I totally agree with that. We don’t need to be with someone who never notices or realizes how important we are. It’s sick, knowing that they just understand it after we leave them. Being treated as important thing is terrible and no one deserve to be treated like that…

You can fall in love but please never ever let your love conquer your heart, life and even your mind. 

Stop saying “I wish”, Start Saying “I will”

Stop saying “I wish” and start saying “I will”

It’s so easy to say it or just write it down here but it’s very hard to start doing it. I know, most people rather to say “I wish” than to say “I will” whenever they should try something new or something that might seem impossible to do. They might think that it’s almost impossible to do it, so they just give up without even try it. And finally, they will look for an excuse and say, “I wish I could do that.”

It always happens around me. Sometimes, I also do it, finding an excuse to not doing something that might be so difficult to do. But the truth is, I just underestimate my own self by judging and not even having a try. I know, it’s unfair for myself, to suddenly just judge that I couldn’t do that just because it looks so difficult to do. But my mind keep worrying what people might say if I really can’t do it. Sometimes, I realize that my biggest fear is people’s judgement.

I think, most people will think the same. They might be afraid of what will people say about them. They are afraid of doing wrong and making mistakes. They just want to be right, but we as human can be wrong. It’s normal if we make some mistakes. Mistakes are proof that we are trying. Mistakes help us to realize about our fault and make sure that we will not do the same mistakes. Mistakes helps us to learn.

If you’re not agree with me. You should think about it; Do you ever count how many times you fall when you’re young before finally you can stand up and walk?

We fall a lots, but the differences is at that time, we try again and again. We never know the word “give up” , we just want to keep trying until we can stand and walk properly. It makes me sad whenever I think about it. It makes me feel that the “young me” is stronger that me today.

Making mistakes always more than just doing nothing, I keep repeating it on my head. And it does really work to make me believe that I could do it. It helps me become stronger and not afraid to try something. You should try it.

Last but not least, we should really pay more attention of our words that come from our mouth. Actually, if we keep saying “I will” it really helps us to increase our confident. It give us positive power to believe that we really can do it and we will do it. It’s totally different when we say “I wish” which just give us negative effect.

Saying “I wish” just make us keep in our daydreaming but saying “I will” will motivate us to make it really happened.

We are responsible for who we become.

Our background and circumstances may influence who we are, but we re responsible for who we become.

I was thinking about whom will I become in the future? Will I be a better person and be a useful person? I have nothing to answer it but deep in my heart I told my self to try, as hard as I can do. I made my mind and kept it as positive as it can be. I prayed in the name of my one and only God to guide and help me.

I smile whenever I see that picture above. It always reminds me that I’m the only one who are responsible for who I become. It’s not about our background, circumstances or so. They might be changed the way we act like culture do or family habits but they couldn’t change the way we were born to be. We are the real actor in our life. No one should be responsible to take the action. No one but us; you and I. 

Then how about the time? Sometimes, it’s hard to find ‘a good time’ to start everything yet there would never be ‘a good time’ if you still think like that. Now. We should we start the new thing to change and light up our dreams into the real action right now. No need to wait since we don’t need to waste our time.  Start it or you will regret it.

There is always going to be a time, but will you do something when the time comes?

There is always going to be a time and it always be a good time. So, the matter is not about the time but it’s all bout us. We as the actor are the one who can choose to start it right now or just let the time goes without any real actions. We don’t need to wait the right time to come since it would never happen. All we have to is just start it right now and let it be our good time. 


Does Love Hurt?

I have two question.

This is for someone, somewhere in this world: Do you hurt the way that I do?

This is for my one and only God : Does love hurt? Does it just give us the bitter things?

I bet everyone ever feels it. Having a broken heart or being broken into thousand pieces. Feeling those bitterness of love after having such gorgeous moments. But why? In the end it always end this way. Getting hurt.

Dear God, I was think about the true love or even our soul mate. Does it really exist? 

I see thousand or probably million people get hurts just because of love. They lose everything. They are alive but deep inside I know they are already dying. Now I keep thinking about that word; Love.

Does it always bring us into despair? Does it always throw us away after make us fly through the joyful moments?

Dear God, I do make-believe that Love is the greatest thing in this world. Loving you as the only one; I am sure I never get hurt by loving you. Loving my families or my friends, it always gives us the happiness. So, how about loving someone as a partner?


I smile because finally I get the answer. Love doesn’t hurt anyone but Loving the WRONG person does.

So, if you are afraid of getting hurt from anyone. You’d better save your heart for the right one; someone who’s worthy enough to fighting for. Someone who lives you breathless.

Until you find that one, just save your heart. God will show us the way in the right time and obviously with the right one. 



I was wondering how this word comes out into my mouth. Backstabbers. What do you think about them?

I hate backstabbers the most. I hate liars and for backstabbers are even worse than just liars. They are not only lying with us but also betraying us.

I keep wondering how come people can to that. I mean after all those things that happen in their life; like spending time together or so.

The backstabbers always act like they are our mate, our best friend or even more than family but at the end they destroy it all. They turn out into the real them. We know that we can’t keep or hide such a lie till the rest of our life. Sooner or later we’ll find out those lies.

As I know, human is easily to get hurt since they have a fragile heart. It can be easily broken into pieces by a mistake; which is lie. I do hate the backstabbers the most. No one deserve to be treated like that. Everyone deserves to get the happiness without getting betrayed.

I got the moral thing; human’s heart is so fragile so I’d rather keep silent ‘cos I know it can easily get hurt by just  some words.

A chaotic mind; taking benefits of others.

Do you notice it or it’s just me who feels it?

I was thinking about a group of people or someone who always take benefits of others. It’s crazy, annoying me but it’s real. As a human being, I know everyone always searching for any benefits that they can take, anytime, anywhere they go and anyone the meet. Even though I’m sick of those people, I can’t guarantee that I’m not one of them.

I never know what others really think of me. I don’t want to be negative but I should admit that people can hide their real feelings perfectly (sometimes it works). They can pretend like they love me but deep inside they don’t like me. They can pretend like a friend, lover but deep inside, they just searching a chance to get some benefits of me.

Oh, I notice that I just already being negative…

Umm but I surely have a reason why I feel this way.

Last but not least, you will get what you give to others. Now I just try to give anyone all that I can give. Show the real me and surely try to not search for any benefits of other because I know how does it feels. It hurts; so much pain and no one deserve to be treated like that.

Those two options

I have two options.

Stay with me or just leave me bleed.

We can watch the stars, hoping for those dreams  and wait for a beautiful ending.


We can move and start a new beginning.


I have two options.

Stay with me or just leave me bleed…



Losing Hope

We may lose things,

We may lose friends, lovers, instead of losing families.

But losing hope?


Never ever,

‘Cause losing hope means you’re afraid to start anything.

If you don’t even start anything, it’s mean you’re just waiting for nothing.