All we could do is just stay and keep going

All we could do is just stay and keep going, no matter how hard the storm try to make us fall down. No matter how much pain that we get. All we could do is just stay and believe that after the storm will become a rainbow….

We live in a chaotic world. A chaotic activity that sometimes leads us to feel the boredom. We are normal if we still can feel it. We are normal if we just stuck in one work or activity then we just let our tears fall down.

I know, it’s hard when we just stuck and then we start hating our activity, our live. I have seen about these cases, yet I ever feel the same like everyone did.

I saw the teenager and they just said they hate to study, they were lazy to do their homework and they did hate all those exams that they should pass it. They felt the boredom, they asked for justice to make them felt the freedom (in this case without any homework and exams).

I also saw the university student. They mostly had same feeling with the teenager who study in their school. The difference is just about their age and how do they control their emotion. These students started hating their major, felt stuck then they just lost all those chance to be active. They just chosen to be passive because they just didn’t have any passion in there. They just want to be free and learned what they really want.

Those are same, even if we are already work in some place. We probably can feel such those feelings. It’s life. It’s normal. But we should pay attention, because those feelings can change our life.

What do you think if you just stop moving and just let the time going?

You just wait for nothing and you never try to do or even start a new thing. It’s will be so horrible. And believe me, it just leads you to be worse and worse. 

I told you it’s normal when we just getting bored with all our activities, our study, exams and many things. But all we could do is just stay. We need to stay there with all out patience. We live in this earth, we should respect our life and we should be patience. We can’t get all that we want just in sec. We should struggle for that. We should stay.

But if you couldn’t stay, leave it and find any better place that you want. But if you choose this second option, you should take the risk. You should be brave enough, and think any better idea to make you could stay in your new place.

That’s all. We have all the risks, all the consequences to choose it because it’s our life.

It’s your life and you are the only one who could change it.

Only if you could stay and gain more energy just to survive to the end or if you want to leave and start a new beginning. But all you have to do is just keep going…

A chaotic mind about Love

Guess who never fall in Love?

I bet no one did because I do believe that everyone ever feel it.

What do you think about it? Is it such a wonderful thing? Or such a terrible thing?

I smile, when I write this post. I never mean to share my experience in this post but I do want to give my opinion about it.


Well, love can give you everything, wonderful and also terrible things. Maybe sometime, when we just in love (in this case a relationship love) with someone. We feel like, this is our best moment and we do really want to make it lasts forever. We just want to stay in our lover’s side and make sure that everything is right. Everything seems to be right because he/she is in my side.

But another thing,

Love can show us such a nightmare. Love can give us so much pain that we never feel before. It leads us to cry, cry out loud. Maybe it can make us feel that we just got the worst moment in our life. And no one could help us, except him/ her. It leads us to feel lonely just because we already lose him/ her.

That’s the fact. A relationship love can be so harmful if we just found it- not in proper time. But we can’t blame anyone for that. Because Love can find their own way and Love is so unpredictable. Sometimes, we just found it, we feel it just a moment like Love at first sight (if you believe about it). It’s easy to fall in love but it’s really hard to control it. Because mostly when we fall in love, we can lose our mind, we can do a crazy thing for the sake of Love.

I just want you to know,

We should believe that we can control our mind, our heart- even it’s the hardest thing. Don’t let Love destroyed our life. Don’t suicide just because we lose our love.
We should realize that we still have much love from other people, like family, friends, teacher and another. Don’t close your heart. You should open it and let you feel all that their all is just for you. Everything is right. You can gain the many thing from the terrible moment. Sometimes, it leads you to be stronger than ever.

And the last.

Fall in love is like a destiny, like fate. And I do believe we can’t control when will we fall in Love.


We can control our love. We are the one who can choose the option. To grow it or to leave it died by itself…

Love can give so many things. And all we could do is just waiting for the right time to fall in love- with no more hurts.

We’ll have a gorgeous Love when we found and feel it in the proper time.

One love that lasts forever.